About Us

product stock pile

Community Food Pantry and Clothing Closet.


An application must be filled out and a picture ID is required each visit.
Available Monday – Thursdays 8:00 AM-11 AM and Friday 11:00 Am -1:00 pm Hillsboro Interfaith Ministries is a complete volunteer organization, no salaries are paid. All volunteers work for the love of serving! The pantry is located at 214-A East Elm St., Hillsboro, Texas 76645.

We give Christmas Boxes the week before Christmas. We have help from volunteers, community members, Lions Club preparing and distributing to clients.

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 Hillsboro Lions Club President
Lea Sanders welcomed Griff Harris, Director of Hillsboro Interfaith
Ministries (HIM) to a recent meeting. Harris spoke to the Lions about
the increasing number of people served by HIM and emphasized
the need for volunteers at the food bank and the continual need
for food and monetary donations. The Hillsboro Lions Club meets
every Tuesday at noon at the Family Life Center of the First United
Methodist Church, located at 315 East Elm Street in Hillsboro. Guests
and prospective new members are always welcomed.

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Interfaith Ministries (HIM) was recently awarded a grant from The
George G. And Alva Hudson Smith Foundation for the purchase of a
new freezer. This will allow HIM to have more frozen items on hand
for its clients. According to HIM volunteers, the freezer has been
needed by the organization for some time. HIM would like to thank
the Smith Foundation for supporting its mission to provide assistance
in Hillsboro and surrounding communities.

product stock pile

Community Food Pantry and Clothing Closet.

Volunteers with Hillsboro Interfaith Ministries
(HIM) accepted a $10,000 donation from Oncor Tuesday, May 25, as part of the company’s efforts to
support community non-profit organizations in its service area. Oncor is committing $1 million to
help those impacted by the February winter storm. “We know that countless organizations have faced
extreme hardships over the past year, first from the pandemic to the aftermath of the devastating
winter freeze,” said Oncor Area Manager Ignacio Vazquez. “Oncor has a long-standing tradition of
supporting those most in need in our communities, and this moment is no different given the difficult
circumstances so many people are facing,” he said.

Who is eligible?

Families receiving government benefits such as SNAP, TANF, SSI, NSLP, Medicare and Medicaid. NO PROOF IS REQUIRED.
Clients must meet the TEFAP guidelines requirement
Families who fall under the Federal Poverty Guidelines become eligible to receive food services. NO PROOF IS REQUIRED.
Families facing a temporary crisis due to natural disasters and homelessness automatically become eligible to receive services.
An application is good for twelve (12) months. Each member will receive food every four weeks.

Hillsboro Interfaith Ministries

serves all families regardless of employment status. Groceries may include canned meat, beans, vegetables, rice, milk, soup, tomato sauce, eggs, drinks, frozen chicken/meat, pasta, and baked goods such as bread and pastries. Some non-food items such as laundry detergent, toilet paper, and bar soap are also provided. Pantry items included are based upon availability.

Clothing Center

provides clothing for men, women and children. Families can also access clothing in our clothing room. We appreciate individuals and churches for food and clothing to distribute to our clients. We also have bed clothes, coats, and shoes. HIM clients may receive men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, both casual and dress. Seasonal clothing is available as well.

Water bills

HIM helps paying water bills. Individuals receive assistance once a year. We are able to pay 90.00. We also have contacts for additional assistance. Please inquire.

Sanitation items

Within this area of HIM we are able to distribute sanitation items, cleaning supplies, adult and children’s diapers, personal hygiene items, and at times household goods.

Baby items

We have baby items such as strollers, car seats, baby food to aide the client in need.

Companions items

We at HIM know that the clients have companions such as dogs and cats. We supply food for the animals.

Medical items

We also have an assortment of medical items such as crutches, walkers, and potty chairs.


We also have books that are donated for our clients.

School clothes

We started a school clothes giveaway. These youngsters had to sign in just as adults. This was a success and the children had a wonderful time since it was geared towards them.

Contact Us

Fill out the form to contact us

Address: 214 E Elm Street
Hillsboro, TX - 76645
Phone: (254) 580-2717
Email: himinc@outlook.com


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Pantry hours are 8:30 to 11:00, Tuesdays and Thursdays. An application must be filled out and a picture ID is required each visit. Good, clean used clothing is available also.

Become a Volunteer or Donate Today!

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